Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT11 Sensor: A Fun IoT Adventure for Beginners



DHT11 Sensor

Introduction: Welcome to an exciting journey into the world of DIY electronics and IoT with Raspberry Pi Pico! If you’re new to Raspberry Pi Pico and want to embark on an exciting adventure, you’re in the right place.

DHT11 Sensor

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through a simple project using the Raspberry Pi Pico and the DHT11 sensor, explaining everything from scratch to make it beginner-friendly.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi Pico
    • Meet Your New Friend: Raspberry Pi Pico
    • What Makes Pico Special for Beginners?
  2. Introduction to DHT11 Sensor
    • Demystifying the DHT11 Sensor
    • How Does the DHT11 Measure Temperature and Humidity?
  3. Setting Up Your Hardware
    • Gathering the Components You’ll Need
    • Connecting the DHT11 Sensor to Raspberry Pi Pico
    • Powering Up Your Mini Lab
  4. Coding the Magic
    • A Gentle Introduction to MicroPython
    • Writing Code to Talk to the DHT11 Sensor
  5. Running Your IoT Project
    • Let’s Execute the Code
    • Watching the Temperature and Humidity Readings
    • Making Data Come to Life with Simple Visualization
  6. What You’ve Achieved
    • Recap of Your Amazing Journey
    • Ideas for Future Projects

1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi Pico:

Meet your new friend, the Raspberry Pi Pico! It’s a tiny but powerful computer that can perform magic in the world of electronics and programming. Raspberry Pi Pico is designed with beginners in mind, making it a perfect choice for your first IoT project.

  • Raspberry Pi Pico is a microcontroller board based on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s custom chip, the RP2040. It’s an excellent entry point for those new to electronics and programming.
  • What Makes Pico Special for Beginners? It comes with MicroPython support, which means you can start coding right away without the need for complex tools.

2. Introduction to DHT11 Sensor:

Let’s start by getting to know the DHT11 sensor. This incredible little device acts like a mini weather station, capable of measuring both temperature and humidity. We’ll dive into how it works and take a peek inside this small wonder.

  • The DHT11 sensor is an affordable digital sensor that provides real-time temperature and humidity data.
  • How Does the DHT11 Measure Temperature and Humidity? It uses a thermistor to measure temperature and a humidity-sensing component to measure humidity.

3. Setting Up Your Hardware:

Now, let’s get hands-on! We’ll guide you through the process of connecting the DHT11 sensor to your Raspberry Pi Pico. It’s like assembling the pieces of a puzzle, and we’ll ensure that it fits perfectly.

Step 1: Gathering the Components You’ll Need

  • Raspberry Pi Pico: Your main microcontroller board.
  • DHT11 Sensor: The star of the show, responsible for sensing temperature and humidity.
  • Breadboard: A handy platform for building and testing circuits.
  • Jumper Wires (Male-to-Female): To make the necessary connections.

Step 2: Connecting the DHT11 Sensor to Raspberry Pi Pico

Wire the sensor to the Raspberry Pi Pico as Follows:

  • DHT11 Sensor VCC Pin to 3v3 Pin of Raspberry Pi
  • DHT11 Sensor GND Pin to GND Pin of Raspberry Pi
  • DHT11 Sensor OUT Pin to GP0 Pin of Raspberry Pi

Step 3: Powering Up Your Mini Lab

  • Plug the Raspberry Pi Pico into your computer using a USB cable.
  • Make sure everything is securely connected.

4. Coding the Magic:

No need to be intimidated by coding; we’re here to make it easy for you. We’ll introduce you to MicroPython, a beginner-friendly programming language.

Step 1: Setting Up MicroPython

Step 2: Writing the Code

  • Copy and paste the following code into your Thonny editor:
import dht
import machine
import time

# Define the DHT11 sensor
sensor = dht.DHT11(machine.Pin(0))

while True:
        # Read temperature and humidity data
        temp_celsius = sensor.temperature()
        humidity = sensor.humidity()

        # Print the data
        print("Temperature (°C):", temp_celsius)
        print("Humidity (%):", humidity)

        # Delay for 2 seconds before taking the next reading
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error:", e)

Step 3: Running Your Code

  • Click the “Run” button in Thonny to execute your code.
  • You should see temperature and humidity readings displayed in the Thonny console.

5. Running Your IoT Project:

With the code running, you’ll now be able to observe real-time temperature and humidity readings from the DHT11 sensor.

Step 1: Let’s Execute the Code

  • Watch the Thonny console for temperature and humidity updates.

Step 2: Watching the Temperature and Humidity Readings

  • Observe how the values change as the sensor collects data.

Step 3: Making Data Come to Life with Simple Visualization

  • You can take this a step further by visualizing the data using software like Python’s Matplotlib or online platforms like ThingSpeak.

6. What You’ve Achieved:

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed your first Raspberry Pi Pico project. Let’s recap your journey:

  • You met the Raspberry Pi Pico, your new electronics friend.
  • You got acquainted with the DHT11 sensor and learned how it measures temperature and humidity.
  • You set up your hardware and connected the DHT11 to your Raspberry Pi Pico.
  • With MicroPython, you wrote code to interact with the sensor.
  • You executed your code and saw real-time temperature and humidity readings.


By reaching this point, you’ve gained valuable hands-on experience with Raspberry Pi Pico and IoT. Remember, every electronics enthusiast started as a beginner, and you’re well on your way to mastering this exciting world. Enjoy your newfound knowledge and keep exploring more projects in the realm of Raspberry Pi Pico and sensors!

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